Office Beacon has been named a 2025 Vistage National Sponsor.Click for details
For over 23 years, Office Beacon has been the #1 virtual staffing provider for executives and their businesses globally. We offer:
Boost workflow and efficiency with our accurate cardiology transcription services.
Hire full-time or part-time transcriptionists.
No expenses on staff onboarding and training.
Regular audits and disaster recovery plans.
Easy collaboration using a SaaS app.
Offer hefty pay to in-house talent.
Spend on sourcing and training staff
Heavy investment in data security measures.
Buy third-party project management tools.
We analyze your business goals and identify your staffing and software needs.
We source the perfect virtual assistant/s who can meet your specific requirements.
Our team lead sets KPI expectations, trains and monitors your staff, and oversees your project.
We share weekly quality reports and bi-weekly feedback emails on your staff’s progress.
Office Beacon has been sourcing talented virtual assistants for its clients since 2001.
We strive to help business owners lighten their operational workload so they can focus on scaling their businesses.
Healthcare firms may not have full-time talent or expertise to tackle complex transcription services in-house. Due to varying administrative loads, they find it convenient to hire skilled independent contractors and save on office upkeep. Office Beacon provides talented virtual assistants for cardiology medical transcription and is the leading choice of top healthcare businesses.
Cardiology medical transcription involves transcribing complex medical terminology related to the cardiovascular system and its conditions. Unless a cardiology transcriptionist is familiar with the medical lexicon, they will struggle at their job. Besides, they need a thorough understanding of current medical guidelines and regulations to maintain compliance and help your practice avoid legal hassles.